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Race Bannon Sketches
The following were provided by Jim Alexander, who also provided the commentary to
go with the images. One note: the originals of these images are very large, and
I had to scan them in parts, and attempt to paste them together. So, if you see
some subtle defects in the images, the fault is mine. The originals are very clean
and un-flawed.
Race and Jonny by Steve Rude 1987

Jim writes:
"I used to go to the Chicago Comic Convention every June. I did it for years,
but now that it's gotten so large, and so out-of-control-- I rarely go. But for
a long while, when it was quite 'manageable' ... there used to be a lot more one-on-one
contact with the pros. It wasn't usually too difficult to obtain sketches from artists.
The story on this one is-- I had walked in front of Steve Rude's table a handful
of times. Sometime during the day, I suddenly noticed this particular JQ drawing
pinned up on the cardboard backing behind his table. I think it was about the time
'Rude the Dude' was gearing up for the JQ Comico Comic series. I admired it, and
assumed that it was a fan-commissioned piece. As people who've been to comic conventions
know-- some artists (in order to make some extra $$$) will take requests for sketches
from fans. And usually, when they get backed up (when they can't draw fast enough
to keep up with the requests), they will take names and save the sketches until
the person who requested it comes back to their table later in the day. Somehow,
I assumed the JQ sketch was one of those. It remained, and I'd pass by again and
again and look at it longingly. Late in the day, I finally asked about it, and Rude
said, 'Why it's for SALE-- I was WONDERING why no one had asked about it!' I guess
the 'thank you' on the drawing was because someone 'finally' purchased it from him!"
Race and Villain by Doug Wildey 1963

Jim writes:
"The early "Race" conceptual drawing is one of my prized possessions.
I purchased it many years before I bought the JONNY and RACE Steve Rude drawing.
I was at the ChicagoCon, searching through a portfolio of stuff that contained some
Hanna Barbera material, and came across three or four pieces of JQ stuff. The only
other one I remember now (this was more than two decades ago!) was a pencil piece
on tissue paper. It was a series of full-body drawings of DR. QUEST, and I think
HADJI. But because that tissue paper sketch was something that ANYONE could have
duplicated (just lay the tissue over an animation drawing of any of the characters
and -- trace), and because it was not authenticated, I did not purchase it. The
drawing I went for was of RACE sockin' the bad guy. I liked the fact that it seemed
to be an early conceptual sketch, that it was hand-dated, signed, and stamped with
the Hanna Barbera name and date-- as well as being drawn on three-hole animation
paper. Imagine my surprise when I LATER saw this Doug Wildey drawing begin to turn
up in some printed JQ books, knowing that I owned the original. Since then, I have
seen (and received) many photocopies of other 'original' JQ Hanna Barbera materials.
I guess that's why this drawing has seen print in the last few years-- because it
was photocopied many years ago from the HB files-- as many other original pieces
apparently were-- before they made it into the hands of collectors."
Shirtless Race by Steve Rude

Jim writes:
"The 'shirtless'
RACE is owned by a collector friend of mine named Ted Haycraft. He purchased it
from an art dealer who was selling some Steve Rude drawings at a Mid-Ohio Comic
Convention a few years ago."
commissioned Race and Zin, Marc Hempel and Mark Wheatley, 1988

Jim writes:
"The last one was another Chicago Convention sketch from 1988-- a few years after
Marc Hempel and Mark Wheatley worked as a penciller-inker team on First Comics'
MARS series. This was a sketch that I commissioned. I requested the them to draw
something with DR. ZIN and RACE within the same frame."
Jonny Quest and distinctive likenesses © Hanna-Barbera.
All other images, image designs and other image work on this site are
©, © Hanna-Barbera or as
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and may not be shared or re-published without the consent of the author.
This is strictly a fan-based site, and is in no way
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