natives in canoes -
Pursuit of the Po-Ho
 Background and
foreground scenery is a bit more detailed in the credit sequence
man running through jungle -
Dragons of Ashida

(The fact that there were differences was originally
reported by Manny Karas) In the credits, the man is wearing a yellow
shirt, white headband, blue sash or belt, and gray pants; in the episode, it's blue
shirt, red headband, yellow pants and no belt. Also in the episode, the foreground
and background scenery was slightly different.
pteranodon swooping 1 -
Turu the Terrible
 In the episodes, Turu
is black on top with purple underside, a yellow beak, bright red inside the mouth,
and a green eye; in the credits he is shown purple on top with lighter purple underneath,
a white beak, duller red inside the mouth, and a red eye. Additionally, while some
scenes in the episode took place at night, the scenes with the cells used in the
credits occurred during the day, hence the different background.
panther leaping - Pursuit
of the Po-Ho
 Background scenery
slightly different between credit and episode; also credit sequence has panther
seen in slight closeup compared to episode.
crocodile diving into water -
Pursuit of the Po-Ho
 Background scenery
slightly different between credit and episode
pteranodon swooping 2 -
Turu the Terrible
 Color scheme and background
are different (see previous entry)
soldiers firing machine gun at robot spy; bullets hitting
robot; tank firing at robot; tank shell hitting robot -
The Robot Spy
 Robot in episode
is black, not purple as in credits. In episode, scene occurs at night, not during
the day as in the credits. The background scenery is different than in the episode;
instead of the scene occurring in the desrt, it occurs in the confines of the Quest
lab complex surrounded by buildings. Even in the few scenes shown outside the lab,
there are no large mesas of bluffs, just rounded hills.
explosion - There are many explosions in
Jonny Quest, many of them very similar to the one in the opening credits.
I have not yet been able to locate the exact episode equivalent at this point, but
I haven't given up yet.

mummy walking along corridor; mummy crashes through
wall - The Curse of Anubis
 This appears to be
a direct lift from the episode.
men in gas masks firing rifles -
Calcutta Adventure
 In the episode,
there is a railing in front of the men as they shoot; other than that, the credit
sequence is pretty much a straight lift from the episode.
mummy lifting man overhead -
The Curse of Anubis
 This is a direct
lift from the episode.
Race shooting a rifle -
The Robot Spy
 Background (wood-beam
wall) is different than in episode, and the position of Race in the frame is slightly
ceiling collapsing on mummy and man -
The Curse of Anubis
 This is a direct
lift from the episode.
men on flying platforms -
The Fraudulent Volcano
 In the episode,
the men's uniforms were gray instead of red. Also, the platforms looked more finished
in the credits; in the episodes, they're much less metallic in appearance. The jagged
rock background was not seen in the episode.
condor swooping; Bandit running; condor snagging Bandit
by his collar and lifting him into the air - Shadow
of the Condor

The background scenery for the credit sequence shows a sandy, beach-like terrain
(possibly from Mystery of the Lizard Men),
whereas in the episode, the scene took place in the courtyard of a castle.
three snakes wiggling along the ground -
The Curse of Anubis

Very slight difference from episode: The background seen in the credit sequence
did not appear in the episode with the adders moving from right to left. However,
the background did appear (oriented slightly differently) in the episode with the
snakes moving from left to right when Hadji "charmed" them to leave.
two large dragon-like reptiles on leashes, walking through
the jungle - Dragons of Ashida
 In the episode,
all of the dragons were a dark green in color instead of the yellow and brown colors
seen in the credits. And note the subtle differences in the drawing of the dragons
themselves. For example, in the episodes the dragon's teeth were slightly smaller
and did not protrude when their mouths were closed; in the credits the dragon mouths
were never quite closed. (It looks as if the versions seen in the credits were redrawn
slightly for the episode.) The position and posture of the dragons with respect
to the background scenery is also slightly different.
Race swinging on a rope on an old ship, hitting a lizardman
who had pinned Jonny to the deck - Mystery of the Lizard
 This is a direct
lift from the episode.
A lizardman swinging a high-tech gun around, and firing
a laser beam from the ship - Mystery of the Lizard
 Very nearly a direct
lift from the episode; however in the episode when the laser is fired the scene
is red-tinted to emphasize the laser.
Dr. Quest sitting at the controls of his para-power
ray gun, followed by a shot of the gun firing - The
Robot Spy
 The credit
sequences are direct lifts from the episode, although the order of appearance is
switched (in the episode the parapower gun fires first, then we see Dr. Quest at
the controls.).
A laser beam hits the ship firing the original beam,
causing the ship to explode - Mystery of the Lizard
 Very close
to a direct lift from the episode, with the only noticeable difference being the
scene is red-tinted in the episode.
Quest jet flying through clouds, then character introductions
within the cockpit of the plane, followed by a final shot of the jet flying through
clouds - Pursuit of the Po-Ho
This appears to be a collection of several scenes strung together from
the episode, subtly changed so each character doesn't speak, but simply looks around.
In the episode, look for the scene where they are flying over the jungle, just before
Dr. Quest makes his announcement to the Po-Ho.