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Classic Jonny Quest Update History for the Year
© 2000 By Lyle P. Blosser, Craig Fuqua
December 23, 2000
Our two-year anniversary ... many thanks to all who have
visited and contributed!
- Cycled "wallpaper of the month"
- Cycled "sounds of the month"
- Updated/added entries for episode cels for the following episodes: Double Danger,
A Small Matter of Pygmies, Riddle of the Gold, Pursuit of the Po-Ho, and The Dreadful
November 24, 2000
- Cycled "wallpaper of the month"
- Cycled "sounds of the month"
- Updated/added entries for episode cels for the following episodes: Double Danger,
A Small Matter of Pygmies, Attack of the Tree People, Riddle of the Gold, Shadow
of the Condor, and Arctic Splashdown
- Updated image for non-episode cel
October 30, 2000
- Cycled "wallpaper of the month"
- Cycled "sounds of the month"
- Revamp of episode cels pages, to improve page speed
- Updated entries for an episode cel (found episode it belonged to and added episode
screen grab
- Added new information on languages page
- Housecleaning on various other pages
September 30, 2000
- Cycled "wallpaper of the month"
- Cycled "sounds of the month"
- Nearly total revamp of Hadji's Mystical Powers page
- Added new images and entries for friends
- Added new images and entries for bad guys
(info->lists->bad guys)
- Added new images and entries for places
- Added new images and entries for hardware
- Updated entries for cels, added comments from cel owners; added term definitions
- Added new information on languages in JQ
(info->languages, info->ep guide1)
September 4, 2000
Woo-hoo! All caught up with back-logged items!!
- Added new images and entries for friends
- Added new images and entries for bad guys
(info->lists->bad guys)
- Added new images and entries for episode cels, including all screen grabs from episodes
where they were missing
- Added lots more memorabilia items and images
(memorabilia->videos, books, wearables, misc.)
August 29, 2000
- Cycled "wallpaper of the month"
- Cycled "sounds of the month"
- Added new list: Friends and Colleagues
- Added more new images and entries for bad guys
(info->lists->bad guys)
July 30, 2000
- Cycled "wallpaper of the month"
- Cycled "sounds of the month"
- Added image of new puzzle from the UK
- Added new images and info for two new models
- Added new images and entries for bad guys
(info->lists->bad guys)
- Added new image for Zin mask for "Dr.Evil"
(fan subs->creations)
June 30, 2000
- Cycled "wallpaper of the month"
- Cycled "sounds of the month"
- Added new images for Japanese "Mystery of the Lizard Men" book
- Revamped other Midori (Japanese) information so it all appears under the publications
- Updated link and info for Palm Key
May 27, 2000
- Cycled "wallpaper of the month"
- Cycled "sounds of the month"
- Added new flubs to episode guide
(info->ep guide)
- Added new color images for P.F.Flyers instruction card
- Added new images for Japanese JQ books
- Added entries for new Doug Wildey paintings
- Added several new episode cels
March 26, 2000
- Cycled "wallpaper of the month"
- Revamped episode cels page for faster loading
- Corrected several references to actor Jesse White (was spelled Jessie)
- Corrected names for sound clips (removed imbedded blanks)
February 26, 2000
- Added new fan art image
(fan subs->art)
- Added two new pages for Action Figures starting off with a great new line of figures
about to be released!
(memorabilia->action figures)
- Added info and images on Cartoon Network JQ promotion kit
- Added info and images for episode script pages
- Added several new episode cels
- Added several new wallpaper-suitable images
- Implemented "wallpaper of the month"
- Added some sound clips
- Implemented "sound clips of the month"
- Added photo of Doug Wildey to FAQ
- Added a 2nd version of a model sheet showing Race and Jonny
- Added two new images for "Adventure with the Salt Plot" book
- Removed introductory material from "'What's New" page
(what's new)
- Added introductory material link to main page
January 31, 2000
- Added image for put-together puzzle
- Updated images for pins
- Added Comico JQ comic-related articles; also added more infor regarding the comic
book series
- Added images for "Secret Tunnel" book
- Updated images & removed obsolete/unreferenced items
January 22, 2000
- Added photo-quality mini-posters to art page
- Added new site to Links page
January 15, 2000
- Updated Misc memorabilia page with links to info on actors
- Made cosmetic corrections to episode guide page for season 1
(info->ep guide 1)
- fixed broken image link by uploading image
- Updated Links page to reflect migration of Palm Key site (in progress)
Jonny Quest and distinctive likenesses © Hanna-Barbera.
All other images, image designs and other image work on this site are
©, © Hanna-Barbera or as
noted. Text content is ©, except where noted otherwise,
and may not be shared or re-published without the consent of the author.
This is strictly a fan-based site, and is in no way
affiliated with or approved by Hanna-Barbera or any other
organizations, unless specifically indicated otherwise.